Books Abroad supports a wide variety of projects in educational establishments across the world, take a look at some of the projects we’ve successfully supported below…

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“Through your partnership and support, one more child in the slums of Kenya will have access to precious reading material, something most of them only dream about”.  Emily, Christian Mission Aid, Kenya

“I would like to thank everyone at Books Abroad for the invaluable support they have given us.  The books you donated are being used by our students, teachers and parents”.  W. A. Davis, Headteacher

“Most people are educated through the use of books.  In our everyday life, people are being employed because they learn how to read”.  Precious Mabhiza, Zimbabwe

“The fact that the books you sent us had a very wide variety has helped our children to develop an interest in leisure reading, which is beyond the traditional reference reading”.  W. A. Davis, Headteacher

“Books are very important to us for they help us to improve our language.  It is through reading books that people here in Zimbabwe are capable of speaking in English, enabling them to communicate with different people from different countries”.  Precious Mabhiza, Zimbabwe

“If you give one book to one child in the country, you give to the whole nation” Kennedy Mandaza, Tsatse Secondary School, Zimbabwe

“We have always found it difficult to get the books we so badly need and in the quantity that would make a difference. The shipment from Books Abroad has drastically improved our situation. The quality of the books is also top notch. Many many thanks.” Juliet Johnston School, New Tafo-Akim, Eastern Region.

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“Education of the youth can only be guaranteed through the relentless efforts of good people like all of you at Books Abroad”.  W. A Davis, Headteacher